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Event Details

The Flanders-China Chamber of Commerce, in cooperation with Baker McKenzie and the China Chamber of Commerce to the EU, is delighted to invite you to a webinar focused on Foreign Subsidies Regulation. This webinar will take place on 5 December 2023 at 10 am CET.

On 12 July 2023, the EU Regulation 2022/2560 on foreign subsidies distorting the internal market (the "EU FSR") came into force. This provides the European Commission with broad investigative powers to assess any distortion of the internal market caused by subsidies granted by non-EU Member States to any company active in the EU internal market. As from 12 October 2023, certain large concentrations and participation in large public procurement procedures in the EU will be subject to mandatory suspensive notification to the European Commission for prior approval.

During the webinar on 5 December 2023 we will give presentations on:

  • How the new EU FSR may impact doing business in Belgium and the EU;
  • The key concepts you need to know to understand the EU FSR;
  • Which concentrations and public procurement procedures will be caught by the notification requirements;
  • How companies can prepare for the EU FSR.

The programme is as follows:

10h00-10h05: Introduction,

by Ms Gwenn Sonck, Executive Director, Flanders-China Chamber of Commerce

10h05-10h10: Welcome address,

by Mr Fang Dongkui, Secretary General, China Chamber of Commerce to the EU, CCCEU

10h10-10h50: Presentation: Foreign Subsidies Regulation

by Mr Bram Hoorelbeke, Counsel, EU Competition and Regulatory Affairs Practice, Baker McKenzie

10h50-11h00: Q&A Session


  • Bram Hoorelbeke (Counsel, EU Competition and Regulatory Affairs Practice at Baker McKenzie)

    Bram Hoorelbeke

    Counsel, EU Competition and Regulatory Affairs Practice at Baker McKenzie

  • Fang Dongkui (Secretary General at China Chamber of Commerce to the EU, CCCEU)

    Fang Dongkui

    Secretary General at China Chamber of Commerce to the EU, CCCEU

  • Gwenn Sonck (Executive Director of Flanders-China Chamber of Commerce)

    Gwenn Sonck

    Executive Director of Flanders-China Chamber of Commerce
