Event Details
The Flanders-China Chamber of Commerce is pleased to invite you to join a webinar in partnership with Dentons Global Advisors focusing on: "The 7 pitfalls and the 12 most common errors of public affairs". The webcast will take place on 8 November 2022 at 10h00 am CET.
Making the most of public affairs: considering the odds at stake and faced with an increasingly demanding ecosystem of journalists, policymakers and activists, companies continue to struggle with the challenge of advancing their interests and convincing stakeholders to take positive action.
Key issues to be addressed: this training covers the seven most common errors witnessed in the field of public affairs campaigns, as well as the twelve main mistakes made by lobbyists and ways to overcome them. Finally, we discuss the seven personality characteristics driving the core skills of an ideal lobbyist.
本次研讨会的主讲者Karel Joos先生,是Dentons全球顾问公司的合伙人。他的演讲重点会从公司的角度切入,如何应对记者、政策制定者和活动家日益加强的公共事务生态圈,并在其中做到平衡,并充分发展自己的公共事务事业。对此,公司需要继续努力应对挑战,在促进自身利益增长的同时,也能说服利益相关者采取积极的合作。
这场研讨会旨在帮助解决公共事务展开中的一些关键难点,将涵盖公共事务活动领域最常见的七个错误,以及说客们最有可能犯的十二个错误,以及克服这些错误的方法。最后,Karel Joos先生将和与会者探讨成功的游说者应该具备的七个核心技能和人格特征。